Self-Care, Create upward spiral

In Articles, Healing journey, Quote by David Fugel0 Comments

Method to madness

Many self-care suggestions are great but to some, they might feel a bit “out there.” While many clients just trust and believe they will feel a difference, others feel weird as the exercises might feel awkward or pointless. Here is a little science to support these “mad” requests:

“It is all about creating an upward spiral. It often takes only a few positive emotions to kick-start the process which then begin to fuel positive changes in other areas of your life.

For example, movement aka exercise, changes the electrical activity in your brain during sleep, which then reduces anxiety, improves mood, and gives you more energy to exercise. Similarly, expressing gratitude activates serotonin production, which improves your mood and allows you to overcome bad habits, giving you more to be grateful for. Any tiny change can be just the push your brain needs to start spiraling upward.”

The Upward Spiral, Alex Korb PHD

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