Self care, Activate your intentions

Self-care, Activate Your Intentions

In Articles by David Fugel0 Comments

Our intention creates our reality.Wayne Dwyer

Activate your intentions instead of fears! There has been much written about the power of intention. Wayne Dwyer has written a bestselling book and for years has toured the world speaking to millions on that very subject. In my journey, I did not see it as clearly as I was too busy activating my fears. Through worry, predicting the future in a negative light, and listing the “what ifs” in my mind at night as if I was counting sheep, it all felt like the necessary and only thing to do.

My “AHA moment” was in recognizing the direction of my thoughts which in turn set the direction of my life. Creating intentions would become my true north!

To simplify things for a moment, think of our intentions as the fruit of our directed thoughts. The intentions we devote time and attention to are activated. Without attention, our intentions starve and die.

What Wayne and others intention experts have not given as much attention to (perhaps in an effort to keep it all positive), is the power of activated fear. Our fear, just like our intentions, can be activated by our directed thoughts. They are the weeds to our fruit.

We go through life surrounded by our fears which drain and block our flow. In spite of the wonderful miracles that are created by activating our intention, we activate our fears by our directed thoughts and attention. Some call it stress, worry or anxiety, but at the root of it all is fear. It is like getting ready to plant a garden and being consumed with fear that weeds will overtake whatever is planted, and then getting lost in that fear. We can be so consumed with fear that we never even fully plan or plant our garden. By directing our attention and thought to the fear that weeds will kill our plants, to no surprise, the weeds take over.

To activate our intention of having an abundant garden, the first step is to design what we really want to grow in the garden. We need to make the plan, as is the case with all intentions, specific. Saying “veggies” does not get the garden growing!

We specifically want delicious, juicy, meaty heirloom tomatoes. We want sweet giant red peppers and we want crispy fresh Kirby cucumbers. We can taste the delicious, refreshing, nourishing salad that will be served on that clear summer day with loved ones. That is the ACTIVATION of our intention!

Next we find the seeds from a local organic farmer. We prep the soil, plant the seeds, then feed and water them until they grow into a beautiful and productive plant.

Of course, along the way there will be weeds and that is a real concern. But we have a plan to stay on top of the weeds. We will spend two hours every three days weeding our garden. ACTIVATION, ACTIVATION, ACTIVATION!

Imagine for a moment, that you are filled with fear that weeds will overtake your garden. Perhaps this is because it has happened to you before or Dad told you this is the reason why he never planted a garden. We become so obsessed with the weeds (fear) that we forget to water and feed our plants and our fear, the weeds, flourish!

Not only is this what fear does in our lives but it is also how we can activate those fears. We feed the fear (weeds) and forget all about feeding our intention (fruit).

Paralyzing fear or powerful intention, we can choose whichever one we want to activate by directing our thought and attention… weeds or fruit!

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